20 Aug 2017

Wedding Checklist: What All Should A Bride Have In Her Purse

It is possible that you might just prefer a low-key wedding but still your wedding day is one of the biggest and most important days of your life - which is why it is essential that you come up with a wedding day checklist of things that you must keep with you. Because your wedding day is definitely exciting and full of fun but it is also really, really stressful. You never know what goes wrong on your wedding day which includes mini disasters to sudden emergencies. This is the reason why it is so important for the bride to carry along a small kit of things to keep handy just in case of some uncertainty.

Indian girls for marriage may be very easy to find but girls always make sure to carry some little things that are very necessary during your wedding because if something goes wrong a panicking bride does not look good.

Most of you might say that you do not use few things but having them is better than panicking later. You might suddenly notice a stain on your dress, or you might just start sweating profusely, or might be you forgot to charge your phone and it starts dying, thus you need to prepare yourself for every such situation. It is a fact that, most hotels and venues offer the most common items of emergency but isn’t it better to take care of yourself? So, if you want to minimize your stress and keep your day rolling smoothly do carry some of these stuff as you never know what might happen.

Earring Backs: Well, it may seem a very tiny thing to carry and you may also wonder why you need them. Then step back and remember how many earring backs have you lost while at home and while getting ready for a party. Similar thing can happen on your wedding day because you are stressed and stress can make your hands shaky so always carry a few extra. If not, you then someone else might need it.

Oil Absorbing Tissues: You are generally tensed on your wedding day and that leads to all the sweat. But sweat can spoil your makeup. Well, if you are getting married on a summer day even heat can have the similar effect so, it is always advisable to carry oil absorbing tissues so that you do not have to redo your makeup.

Deodorant: You have definitely applied deodorant before you left for the venue but still make it a point to carry it along with you. Because between all the nerves and all that moving around, and also the fact that you’re wearing a very heavy lehenga and makeup for a long time, you’re bound to get sweaty and a sweaty and smelly bride is liked by none. If you are a Brahmin brides for marriage make it the first thing to go in your bag because the marriage time is generally late night but you have to be ready by evening for the guests so deodorant is a must it that case.

There are many more things like bobby pins and safety pins that a bride should carry but these are some of the things that makes top of the list of the items that should be in a bride’s purse.


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