5 Apr 2018

Gupta Wedding Rituals - What Make Gupta Marriage So Special

The wedding is considered to be the most fortunate occasion in anyone’s life. Gupta is a community which we humans have made. So many among you might be Gupta whose parents have started looking out for a perfect bride and groom. Well if you have entered to a marriageable age then no matter who you are your parents must have started the search on Gupta matrimonial sites.

Well if we are talking about Gupta’s wedding rituals, then I must tell you that they celebrate for 5-7 days at least. So here is the list of their rituals:

1. It all starts with Tilak ceremony which is a beginner for the long list of wedding functions. Both the families participate in this function where the father of the bride with other male members visits the groom house. There the function starts with a tilak on the groom forehead and then the gifts are offered to them symbolizing as shagun. Bride too gets the gifts.

2. Now the next function takes place at the bride’s home where the Godh Bharai function takes place. Here the women of the groom’s family come to the bride home offering the gifts, clothes, fruits; sweets etc. in the lap of the bride and dress her up like a bride.

3. Then the engagement takes place that marks the beginning of wedding functions. Here the rings are exchanged between the groom and the bride. This is actually the first step and the final announcement of the new beginning.

4. Here comes the main fun i.e. the Sangeet and the Mehendi function. This takes place just before the wedding day and this is the main function where you will every family member on the dance floor. I have read about this ceremony importance on Rajput matrimonial sites in other families too. They perform on various songs and even some folk too. Well with this the Mehendi function too takes place where henna is applied on the hands and the feet.

5.    Then next day the haldi ceremony is performed where the paste made up of natural things are applied on the face, hands, feet, and neck of the bride and the groom. It is conducted in the morning on the wedding day and one important part.

6. Then the main wedding night comes when the groom and the bride behold in the firm decision of togetherness. Their actual journey begins from there.

Gupta is just fond of heavy and beautiful dresses and jewelry and they love to dress up. So if you get the chance to visit in some Gupta wedding; don’t miss it.


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