Showing posts with label Divorce MatrimonialSites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divorce MatrimonialSites. Show all posts

12 Dec 2017

5 Tips To Make Sure Money Doesn’t Kill Your Relationship

I am reminiscing about someone’s wise words that were once told to me… ‘a strong and successful relationship is built on the foundation of love and mutual respect’ , and I truly believe that all else falls into place once these two ingredients are present as well as nurtured from time to time by a couple.  These days finding a partner of one’s choice has been made easy by as you can find your match online. There is a matrimonial site galore with numerous options to choose e.g. if you are a Muslim, you just need to type Muslim Matrimonial Sites and you will have several options.

That being said, finding a partner may have gotten easy today but even when we look at all aspects while choosing a partner, most important being compatibility and/or mutual interests. We often overlook the ‘moolah’. The secret of a happy couple lies in the fact that they do place a lot of importance on their partner’s feelings and do not commit the mistake of taking them for granted. But is it just about love and romance or is their much more to a long lasting relationship? This one above is a vital question that needs to be answered with almost impeccable accuracy as a relationship’s endurance and life rests on it! Financesdefinitely play a pivotal role in a couple’s life, more so when they’re sharing as well as running a household.

So what do we do “when the going gets tough…ohh when the going gets rough”… these lines from a fun packed song from the yesteryears renowned artist ‘ Billy Ocean’ sets the mood for some serious and awfully pertinent issues that we would crack in this article. Believe it or not but money is something that leads to spats between couples even in a seemingly great marriage. Here are the listed reasons and tipsto deal with them:

·         I Earn He/She Spends: Couples tend to argue over who is spending and on what or why aren’t they spending when it’s needed? Well, either overspending on articles or interests and items you fancy leads to trouble in your paradise or spending frugally and remaining tight fisted even when it’s much required by your partner causes rifts in your relationship. Balancingit out is the answer. You may not consider it more important but let me assure you it’s really extremely importance to discuss finances openly with your partner whom you are sharing your life with. Money should never be a reason for any relationship to fall apart so the success mantra is to act responsibly and spend as per once budget. This shows you care for your partner. Also, acting miserly will not turn you into a millionaire overnight! So, spend within your comfortable limits and let your partner know that you care.

·         Shared Financial Planning: Keep your partner in the loop about financial policies. It is a very important step towards keeping your and your future generations safe and secure. Discuss various financial policies available and make a decision about them as a couple not as an individual.

·         Encourage your partner’s self-dependence: If you really care about your partner then this is a mature and healthy thing to do. Yes! Encourage your partner to be financially independent, it will not only help in managing your expenditure but be a big boost to their confidence. In a co-dependent relationship some conflicts and misunderstandings are sometimes inevitable but when you both are self-sufficient in money matters then you will have other more interesting things to focus upon in your relationship, for instance a dream trip to some exotic location you and your special one had once fancied! Possibilities are many, all you have to do is just give a gentle nudge to your other half and your world of dreams would be right there in front of your eyes.

·         Be their Rock: When a relationship starts, it’s filled with little dreams and desires which is absolutely fine, in fact beautiful. But acquainting yourself a little with reality also pays in the long run. Yes… it’s about supporting your better half during testing times. When they are hit hard by a financial crunch, be by their side. Inspire them to try maybe a new venture or if little savings is the burning issue then play your part by controlling your side of expenses. You can also start to work yourself if the problem is long standing and hopes aren’t too high for your partner whose efforts at getting a new job has failed. Just be their anchor and rock…stand by them and you won’t regret it when they openly declare that they are successful today because of your faith in them.

·         Communicate clearly and openly: Honest and clear communication is categorically important for a healthy relationship. Like all matters, money related issues need to be sorted before they create any hassles in the relationship. Often many break ups and divorces are surprisingly due to money. Hiding any bit of information regarding your expenses or investments and the like would naturally make things bitter between the two of you. So be honest about your money dealings and share them with your partner. If issues related to money arise, discuss them candidly rather than fighting. Because ultimately it will affect your relationship so be wise and deal with the matter before it becomes too much to handle and you find yourself sitting in front of your laptop peeringthrough the Divorce MatrimonialSites!

These above points would ensure that you handle your relationship astutely, especially when the matter being discussed is ‘money’. Above all else always remember what’s said in the opening lines of this article – ‘unconditional love should be the foundation of your relationship, all else will then find a way to be just fine’. So, stay in love with a tinge of intelligence added to it! muslim matrimonial sites