Showing posts with label arrange marriage meetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arrange marriage meetings. Show all posts

19 Jun 2017

Don’t Want To Face Rejection In Arranged Marriage Meeting Avoid These Questions

According to the stats, a high percentage of Indian population still prefer arrange marriage over love marriage, or a love cum arrange marriage and still, India has the lowest divorce rate in the world. Which shows most of them eventually transform their arrange marriage into a love story.

As we all know, a successful arrange marriage is all about two hearts that connect with each other. Which means you’ll get rejected by few and would yourself reject a few of them you don’t find compatible.

It’s important to ask the right and only important questions when you meet someone who could be your future wife/husband or it can all end in the first meeting.

The first meeting is the most important one, according to the articles of the most famous kshatriya matrimonial sites and many other matrimonial sites. Choose your question wisely, leave a good first impression.

Don’t Want To Face Rejection, In Arranged Marriage Meeting Avoid Below Questions:

How Many Relationships Did You Have?

Everybody has a past, but never use it as a scale to judge a person. It’s not a competition! This question just shows how insecure you are. So avoid asking questions about past relationships.

How Much Do You Earn?

It’s important to understand that in any marriage compatibility of two people are more important than monetary factors. Sure, it also matters, but not as much as other important things, and many people may find get offended as it may reflect that you are interested in the money and not that person.

How Many People Did You Meet Before Me?

Marriage is a big deal for every person; it may be the biggest too. So, it’s okay to meet more & more people before finally committing. Remember that he/she came to meet you, and by asking such question all you are doing is diverting their mind towards other prospects. Make it all about only you to, as much as possible.

Do You Like To Cook?

Even if you ask it indirectly, he/she will get to know what you mean and why are you asking this question. If you this question is really that important to you, then you don’t want a wife/husband, you need a maid!

Do You Pray?

The question in itself is enough to ruin your first impression; it may portray your personality as a conservative one. Asking someone about his/her religious beliefs is a big no!

How Many Kids Do You Want?

Why talk about something that’s in distant future when you are not even sure that he/she is the one. Rather make an effort in knowing him/her better.

Do You Find Me Attractive?

Give her/him a compliment, be who you are, and you’ll get to know from her/his actions and body language whether the person is interested or not. Such question just shows that you are desperate.

Meeting someone for an arranged marriage should be more about understanding that person, the likes and dislikes, goals, interests & factors that actually help you judge your compatibility with him/her. From Gupta matrimonial sites to any other, the procedure & factors related to an arranged marriage remains more or less the same.